Note: Please understand that this website is not affiliated with the Chanel company in any way, it is only a reference page for collectors and those who have enjoyed the Chanel fragrances.

The goal of this website is to show the present owners of the Chanel company how much we miss the discontinued classics and hopefully, if they see that there is enough interest and demand, they will bring back the perfume!

Please leave a comment below (for example: of why you liked the perfume, describe the scent, time period or age you wore it, who gave it to you or what occasion, any specific memories), who knows, perhaps someone from the company might see it.

Looking to Buy Vintage Fragrances?

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Another FAKE Chanel on Ebay

This seller claims that it is "genuine" and says that "there is a lot of misinformation on the web."...

...well I hate to break it to them but this is a classic fake Chanel perfume. The bottle is marked "HP" "Bottle Made in France." It should be marked "Chanel" "Made in France" in the glass. The bottle is also the wrong shape - as you can see it has sloping shoulders, when it should be straight across. The stopper does not have all the faceting that the original bottles have.

The label is fake, and does not use the genuine Chanel font.  The box is cheap and not the same thick cardstock that Chanel used.

Click here to see the auction


  1. Wow, this site is so informative. I wish you would feature fakes from other famous brands.

    1. Hi, I already do on my other site "I HATE FAKE PERFUME"
