This is a notice to anyone who sees a Chanel fragrance tester for sale, chances are that that bottle is a fake. Fake perfume manufacturers do make fake perfume testers and Chanel testers are one of the most commonly faked.
So when you see that cheap Chanel tester on ebay, look at the seller's feedback, look at their other auctions. If you see more than one for's a fake.
Chanel does NOT sell it's testers!!!! EVER!!!
So when you see that cheap Chanel tester on ebay, look at the seller's feedback, look at their other auctions. If you see more than one for's a fake.
Chanel does NOT sell it's testers!!!! EVER!!!
This is so annoying, this seller is selling fake Chanel perfume yet they way she advertises as she's selling the authentic, real Chanel perfumes... (It's even cheaper to produce so-called 'tester' perfume, white box, a sticker with the name of the perfume, and many is sold without cap... they are going to make a lot of money for sure!)
ReplyDelete - the base is just too thick... - the spray tube is too long, and the silver rim is around the sprayer. - fake... you know it, it's fake. - fake..
selling fake perfumes... including Chanel's...
I just have found FB page selling Chanel No 5 testers. It seems to be fake. What do you think?¬if_t=photo_reply¬if_id=1464562226100945