Note: Please understand that this website is not affiliated with the Chanel company in any way, it is only a reference page for collectors and those who have enjoyed the Chanel fragrances.

The goal of this website is to show the present owners of the Chanel company how much we miss the discontinued classics and hopefully, if they see that there is enough interest and demand, they will bring back the perfume!

Please leave a comment below (for example: of why you liked the perfume, describe the scent, time period or age you wore it, who gave it to you or what occasion, any specific memories), who knows, perhaps someone from the company might see it.

Looking to Buy Vintage Fragrances?

Sunday, March 24, 2024

More Fake Chanel Perfumes on Ebay

 Here is a few fake Chanel perfume bottles I found on ebay just within one week. Chanel never made these perfumes. The bottles are wrong, so are the labels and boxes.

  1. Click here to see one of the fake Chanel perfume bottles
  2. Here is another fake Chanel perfume bottle
  3. Another fake Chanel perfume bottle
  4. Cannot be certain Chanel perfume is actually inside!
  5. Fake Chanel with a terribly made label
  6. Usual fake Chanel bottle
  7. Another commonly seen fake Chanel perfume bottle
  8. Awful fake Chanel perfume box
  9. Fake Chanel perfume
  10. Don't fall for this faked Chanel
  11. Seller admits it isn't real Chanel, it is a fake
  12. Yep, another fake

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grace,

    Thanks for all the work that you do. It has been really helpful and informative reading through your archive. Would it possible to take screenshots of fake bottles on posts like these so we have an archive of images to cross reference in the future?
